Plot: The ladies return, all at new stages in their lives that will be more complicated than ever!
Tata not only has to get used to the role of being a young mother of twins, her husband, Ryu, has been causing her headaches by frequently disappearing, leaving her to cope on her own. What could he be hiding?
Tata is also helping her neighbour Lookmai, who has been using her house as her own so that young men who visit won’t learn her actual address

Wake Up Ladies The Series - Wake Up Ladies: Very Complicated
First Episode Aired On:
Sunday, December 6 2020
4 years ago
Sunday, December 6 2020
4 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Sunday, February 14 2021
4 years ago
Sunday, February 14 2021
4 years ago
Number of Episodes: 10