Plot: THE SUBWAY; A breakdown on a New York subway traps dozens of people together in one car that include: Greg Downey (Dan Castellaneta), a Broadway dancer (Joe Malone), a pizza deliveryman (Sam McMurray), a Boy Scout leader, a hysterical woman (Anna Levine), a smug rich lady (Anne DeSavo), a drunk, and a local black woman (Tracey Ullman) who tries to calm everyone down.
I DO, I WILL; Newlyweds Gary and Joanie Sours (Sam McMurray and Tracey Ullman) think about their future on the morning after their wedding in the bridal suite
The Tracey Ullman Show - Season 3 - 5W21 (Episode 12)
Episode Aired On:
Sunday, February 19 1989
35 years ago
Sunday, February 19 1989
35 years ago