Plot: Sculptor Henry Moore discusses the small-scale working models he creates for his massive bronze sculptures; a designer works with an underwater model of a house with movable windows; an engineer uses a plastic model filled with liquid to study arterial flow of blood in an effort to understand the causes of arterial sclerosis; a football field size model of the islands of Japan and the Inland Sea used to study the paths of industrial pollution; a scientist who studies Indian monsoon patterns with computer simulations; a giant "rain room" in Japan to study erosion; Two doctors test vaccines for malaria on owl monkeys; Dr. Linus Pauling talks about the value of creating models and chemical chain models; astronauts train for the weightlessness of space; a NASA minimal surface researcher uses soap bubbles to create stack-able, space-efficient modules; a scientist creates computer models of the solar system in order to simulate what Voyager will come across on its journey around Jupiter