Plot: "Judge Jamie" delivers his own unique brand of justice once more, except instead of being a senile old man, his pretty young female litigants have made him a horny old man! Wonder why they didn't charge him with sexual harrassment? "Kyle" (Jamie) and his friend Kathy give a new-age kind of massage that involves riding their client's back, singing out of tune, and chanting loudly, and the poor guy they're massaging can't see anything they're doing. Jamie poses as a spaced-out rock musician who disturbs a local restaurant with the ringing of his cell phone and his loud speaker phone conversations
The Jamie Kennedy Experiment - Season 1 - Judge Jamie Flirty, The Massage Hole - Tension Skin, Loud Cell Phone Guy, Test Screening (Episode 11)
Episode Aired On:
Sunday, March 31 2002
22 years ago
Sunday, March 31 2002
22 years ago