Plot: Lunchtime during the typical school day obfuscates the anguish wrought upon Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi due to their leader being away for wartime training as well as Hanae informing Fujiko of Tim and Barrett's current status;in an attempt to forestall their reclamation by Black Phantom, janitorial labor has been decided for the two boys. Fujiko phasing out after an admonition for rigorous vigilance for Tim and Barrett yields to old Obata charging Hanae an important stewardship: a notebook endowed with the psychic power of serendipity
Psychic Squad - Season 2 - Suspicion breeds suspicion! The notebook that makes it happen! (Episode 20)
Episode Aired On:
Sunday, February 22 2009
15 years ago
Sunday, February 22 2009
15 years ago