Plot: The task of sorting fan mail becomes anything but a pedestrian routine for Hayato Kidokiro when he discovers a ring in a letter meant for Creamy Mami that decides upon him as a suitable beta alternative; while Hayato divides his energies between his work and removing the ring, the Tongari crown prince is led through a visit to Yuu's school where Yuu is filmed presenting flowers to his father the King oblivious that Tetsuo and Natsume would have liked to witness that event live. Toshio's zeal for a photograph with Creamy Mami becomes the forum to have it demonstrated that the Tongari crown prince is being forced to forfeit his life as a human sacrifice for having sent the ring to Creamy Mami unless the ring is retrieved -- a task that is read to mean that Hayato must lose a finger
Magical Angel Creamy Mami - Season 1 - The dangerous gift! (Episode 20)
Episode Aired On:
Friday, November 11 1983
41 years ago
Friday, November 11 1983
41 years ago