Plot: The first part of the story begins when Juan's little daughter (Ethan Wayne), María Bonangelo (Grecia Colmenares), is adopted by the wealthy family of Encarnación and Manuel Olazábal, after the death of their biological mother, Amalia (Amanda Sandrelli ). María receives the last name of her new family, as well as two adoptive relatives: her sister Victoria (Viviana Saccone) and her aunt Asunción (Luisa Kuliok)
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First Episode Aired On:
Monday, January 3 1994
30 years ago
Monday, January 3 1994
30 years ago
Last Episode Aired On:
Monday, January 3 1994
30 years ago
Monday, January 3 1994
30 years ago
Number of seasons: 1 (1 episodes)