Plot: Jools Holland’s 9th New Year’s Eve Hootenanny, featuring performances from David Gray, Edwin Starr, Huey Morgan, Ash, Paul Heaton, David Rotheray, Peter Blake, Sam Brown, Beverley Knight, John Cale, Marc Almond, Ronnie Wood and Slash. Studio guests include; Damon Hill, Dom Jolly, Harry Enfield, Alison Steadman, Ian Hislop, Diarmuid Gavin, Dawn Steele, pearly king and queen Joe and Slyvia Kennedy, Jackie Murphy, Micky Murphy, Al Murray, Vic Reeves, Jeremy Vine, Rowland Rivron, Jo Wood, Phil Cornwell, John Sessions, Tina Hobley, Jeremy Edwards and Clare Grogan
Jools' Annual Hootenanny - Season 1 - Jools’ 9th Annual Hootenanny (Episode 9)
Episode Aired On:
Monday, December 31 2002
23 years ago
Monday, December 31 2002
23 years ago