Plot: Music: Buck Owens and the Buckaroos - "Love's Gonna Live Here" Grandpa Jones - "Night Train to Memphis" (includes a broken banjo string blooper) Tammy Wynette - "Stand by Your Man" George Jones - "White Lightning" Roy Clark - "Caravan" Faron Young - "She Went a Little Bit Farther" Buck Owens and the Buckaroos - "It Takes People Like You" George Jones - "Walk Through This World with Me" Tammy Wynette - "Take Me to Your World" Faron Young - "Wind Me up" Sketches include several installments of "The Cornfield", "The Culhanes", "Samuel B. Sternwheeler", "Gordie's General Store", "KORN News", "Moonshiners", and "Pfft, You Was Gone