Plot: In this one-hour special, Guy hits up a diverse roster of totally righteous Vegas joints pulling out all the stops, like out-of-this world finger foods at Bachi Burger, the generations-old butcher shop slingin' killer ribs at John Mull's Meats and Road Kill Grill, and the legendary spot that was one of DDD's very first restaurants ever featured — Four Kegs Sports Pub, where they're servin' up all kinds of Italian favorites. Then he's headed over to the Bulgarian joint, Forte European Tapas Bar and Bistro, and a trip to Vegas wouldn't be complete without a trip to Guy's alma mater, UNLV, where Guy's checkin' in with the culinary department and cookin' up Thai Shrimp with Sticky Rice
Diners, Drive Ins And Dives - Season 0 - Vegas Greats (Episode 19)
Episode Aired On:
Monday, April 14 2014
10 years ago
Monday, April 14 2014
10 years ago