Plot: Wanting to impress Nene, Zenjirō offers to sneak into Musyamon's base, taking Dorulumon, a trio of red Monitamon and the Rare Star Sword with him whilst Taiki and the others hold off Shurimon's army (consisting of Gaiomon, Asuramon, and a bunch of Igamon) using an Impmon DigiMemory in the process. As Zenjirō gets further into the base, he notices the desperate situation that Taiki and others are facing and becomes more determined to sneak into the base while Dorulumon holds off the guards
Digimon Fusion - Season 1 - Monitamission Impossible! (Episode 24)
Episode Aired On:
Tuesday, January 25 2011
14 years ago
Tuesday, January 25 2011
14 years ago