Poster of Cast and Crew in Boy Meets World - Season 6 - Episode 11 - Santa's Little Helpers

Boy Meets World - Season 6 - Santa's Little Helpers (Episode 11)

Plot: Now that Cory and Topanga both know that Shawn and Angela still love each other, they have conflicting views on what to do about it -- especially when, unbeknownst to each other, Cory invites Shawn to join their family Christmas while Topanga invites Angela. Topanga wants to let well enough alone, but Cory misses no opportunity to throw his friends together, but the consequences are not exactly what he wants: after they finally kiss, Angela expresses her love for Shawn, but he protests that he is "not ready" to make the same commitment and she storms off for good
Episode Aired On:
Friday, December 11 1998
26 years ago