Plot: The panelists remember the Summer of 2004. Highlights include: Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry and John Edwards television shows like Amish in the City, The Player and Growing Up Gotti J-Lo & Mark Anthony's wedding Fat Joe's hip-hop song Lean Back the film Dodge Ball the FOX television show Trading Spouses Britney's wedding news Ken Jennings, the million winner on Jeopardy FOX's The Simple Life 2 film sequels extreme (the end of a trend) celebrity flaws Harry Potter hits puberty the four stages of Lindsay Lohan hip-hop rapper Shyne: in jail the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 the 2004 Athens Olympics The Amazing Race and contestant Charla and more
Best Week Ever - Season 1 - Best Summer Ever (Episode 33)
Episode Aired On:
Friday, September 3 2004
20 years ago
Friday, September 3 2004
20 years ago
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Episode 32