Roman Vintoniv Michael Shchur / HostRoman Vintoniv was 39 in @)₴?$0 With Michael Shchur - Season 5 - ROSÉ, vaccination and doctors, Putin and Biden, Zelenskyi and instructions (Episode 24).
Birthday: Fri, Mar 05 1982
Yaroslava Kravchenko HostYaroslava Kravchenko was 34 in @)₴?$0 With Michael Shchur - Season 5 - ROSÉ, vaccination and doctors, Putin and Biden, Zelenskyi and instructions (Episode 24).
Birthday: Wed, Jan 07 1987
Oleksandra Hontar HostOleksandra Hontar was 25 in @)₴?$0 With Michael Shchur - Season 5 - ROSÉ, vaccination and doctors, Putin and Biden, Zelenskyi and instructions (Episode 24).