Poster of Tchou-tchou


Plot: This short children's film by Co Hodeman tells the story of 2 children and their encounter with an angry dragon, all represented by colourful building blocks.
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 1971
52 years ago
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Portrait of Co HoedemanCo Hoedeman
Co Hoedeman was
31 in Tchou-tchou
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Thu, Aug 01 1940
Portrait of Pierre MorettiPierre Moretti
Pierre Moretti was
>> in Tchou-tchou
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yves LeducYves Leduc
Yves Leduc was
>> in Tchou-tchou
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Normand RogerNormand Roger
Normand Roger was
>> in Tchou-tchou
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roger LamoureuxRoger Lamoureux
Roger Lamoureux was
>> in Tchou-tchou
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jana B. SubertJana B. Subert
Jana B. Subert was
>> in Tchou-tchou
as 'Animation'
Unknown Birthday