Poster of A Feather Tale

A Feather Tale

Plot: In this animated short, a woman, taking on her lover's fantasies, adorns herself in her finest feathers and assumes a seductive but demeaning role. Caught up in his own game, the man plays on to the bitter end--a cruel game in which love is stripped of its golden glow, leaving only the naked reality of dependency and desperation
Release Date: Thursday, December 31 1992
31 years ago
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Portrait of Michèle CournoyerMichèle Cournoyer
Michèle Cournoyer was
>> in A Feather Tale
as 'Director, Writer, Animation'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yves LeducYves Leduc
Yves Leduc was
>> in A Feather Tale
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacques DrouinJacques Drouin
Jacques Drouin was
49 in A Feather Tale
as 'Editor'
Fri, May 28 1943 –
Sat, Aug 28 2021
Portrait of Ginette BellavanceGinette Bellavance
Ginette Bellavance was
>> in A Feather Tale
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Pierre LachapelleJean-Pierre Lachapelle
Jean-Pierre Lachapelle was
>> in A Feather Tale
as 'Camera Supervisor'
Unknown Birthday