Poster of 三人兄妹


Plot: This film is an audio-visual educational material that deepens awareness of Buraku discrimination (Dowa issue), cultivates the feeling of sharing the emotional pain of those who are discriminated against, raises human rights awareness, and develops practical skills to eliminate discrimination.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Eiichiro FunakoshiEiichiro Funakoshi
Eiichiro Funakoshi may be
63+ in 三人兄妹
Fri, Jul 21 1961
Portrait of Yuuko NitouYuuko Nitou
Yuuko Nitou may be
53+ in 三人兄妹
Sat, Aug 28 1971


Portrait of Hideo NanbuHideo Nanbu
Hideo Nanbu may be
85+ in 三人兄妹
as 'Director'
Thu, Sep 07 1939