Poster of Anu and Huyga

Anu and Huyga

Plot: This movie was produced by the beauty brand Lancome and fashion magazine Marie Claire’s collaboration to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th.
Release Date: Friday, February 23 2018
7 years ago
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Portrait of An So-heeAn So-heeAn So-hee was 25 in Anu and Huyga as 'Anu'.
Birthday: Sat, Jun 27 1992
Portrait of Yeon Woo-jinYeon Woo-jinYeon Woo-jin was 33 in Anu and Huyga as 'Huyga'.
Birthday: Thu, Jul 05 1984


Portrait of E J-yongE J-yongE J-yong was 52 in Anu and Huyga as 'Director'
Birthday: Sun, Sep 05 1965