Poster of Sa Muli

Sa Muli

Plot: “SA MULI” is a period romance movie featuring XIAN LIM as the lead character, Victor, and RYZA CENON, produced by Viva Films and written and directed by Fifth Solomon Pagotan. The movie tells the story of Victor, who, since his first life in the year 1900, has spent more than a century falling in love with the same girl
Release Date: Wednesday, April 26 2023
1 year ago
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Portrait of Xian LimXian Lim
Xian Lim was
>> in Sa Muli
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ryza CenonRyza Cenon
Ryza Cenon was
35 in Sa Muli
Mon, Dec 21 1987


Portrait of Fifth SolomonFifth Solomon
Fifth Solomon was
>> in Sa Muli
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday