Poster of Adventures in Odyssey: The Caves of Qumran

Adventures in Odyssey: The Caves of Qumran

Plot: When a mysterious old treasure map shows up in Odyssey, Mr. Whittaker, Dylan, Connie, and Eugene embark on a perilous, action-packed journey that leads them to the caves of Qumran in Palestine
Release Date: Tuesday, April 9 2002
22 years ago
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Portrait of Will RyanWill RyanWill Ryan was 52 in Adventures in Odyssey: The Caves of Qumran as 'Eugene Meltsner'.
Birthday: Sat, May 21 1949 –
Fri, Nov 19 2021
Portrait of Katie LeighKatie LeighKatie Leigh was 43 in Adventures in Odyssey: The Caves of Qumran as 'Connie Kendall'.
Birthday: Tue, Dec 16 1958
