Poster of Tales of the Old Piano: George Gershwin

Tales of the Old Piano: George Gershwin

Plot: George Gershwin's musical world becomes clearer and closer thanks to the children's story of the cook's son Izya Shmulevich. And, as the composer said: "Jazz is music, it uses the same notes that Bach used"
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Irina MargolinaIrina MargolinaIrina Margolina was 58 in Tales of the Old Piano: George Gershwin as 'Director, Writer, Producer'
Birthday: Wed, May 27 1953
Portrait of Vladislav TarasovVladislav TarasovVladislav Tarasov was 49 in Tales of the Old Piano: George Gershwin as 'Sound'
Birthday: Wed, Sep 05 1962
Portrait of Ivan VoroninIvan VoroninIvan Voronin was >> in Tales of the Old Piano: George Gershwin as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday