Poster of Colonel Futurist

Colonel Futurist

Plot: The launch of an espionage balloon from an Italian village, located opposite the southern part of the Istrian peninsula, marked the beginning of a most unusual adventure for aviation officer Giuseppe Rosignoli. The decision to go on a reconnaissance mission over the heavily fortified Austro-Hungarian military zone of Pula was made several months before the Kingdom of Italy entered World War I in 1915
Release Date: Tuesday, September 15 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Mirko SoldanoMirko Soldano
Mirko Soldano was
>> in Colonel Futurist
as 'Giuseppe Rosignoli'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Vladislav KneževićVladislav Knežević
Vladislav Knežević was
>> in Colonel Futurist
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday