Poster of The Infinite Present Ends

The Infinite Present Ends

Plot: Based on a fictionalized 2015 memoir from psychiatric nurse Mary Dorsan, the text embeds within a teenage psychiatric ward over the course of a year, teasing out the complex bonds, challenges, frustrations and unexpected moments of grace shared between patients and caregivers.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Valérie DonzelliValérie DonzelliValérie Donzelli may be 52+ in The Infinite Present Ends as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Fri, Mar 02 1973
Portrait of Audrey DiwanAudrey DiwanAudrey Diwan may be 45+ in The Infinite Present Ends as 'Writer'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1980
Portrait of Édouard WeilÉdouard WeilÉdouard Weil may be >> in The Infinite Present Ends as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mary DorsanMary DorsanMary Dorsan may be >> in The Infinite Present Ends as 'Book'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday