Poster of Ceux qui rêvent

Ceux qui rêvent

Plot: Three brothers and sisters learn that the land they inherited from their father may be sold. If Latifa, the eldest, and Slim, the youngest, don't really believe in it, too accustomed to unfinished agreements, Nadia, the youngest, thinks that things will be concluded
Release Date: Tuesday, October 10 2023
1 year ago
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Portrait of Sabrine GhannoudiSabrine GhannoudiSabrine Ghannoudi was >> in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sondos BelhassenSondos BelhassenSondos Belhassen was 54 in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Sun, Dec 22 1968
Portrait of Zied AyadiZied AyadiZied Ayadi was >> in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Khalil BousninaKhalil BousninaKhalil Bousnina was >> in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fatima Ben SaïdaneFatima Ben SaïdaneFatima Ben Saïdane was 73 in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Sun, Dec 25 1949
Portrait of Haïtem HaouelHaïtem HaouelHaïtem Haouel was >> in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rami FarahRami FarahRami Farah was >> in Ceux qui rêvent
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Zaineb BouzidZaineb BouzidZaineb Bouzid was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Writer, Director, Script'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zélia Leroux-HarchacheZélia Leroux-HarchacheZélia Leroux-Harchache was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Sound Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sasha FleurySasha FleurySasha Fleury was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Antoine SudreAntoine SudreAntoine Sudre was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Toinou GriffonToinou GriffonToinou Griffon was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lili CazalsLili CazalsLili Cazals was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Camera Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gustave ArazanGustave ArazanGustave Arazan was >> in Ceux qui rêvent as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday