Poster of Kayla


Plot: Set in the 1920s, this film tells the poignant and inspiring story of Sam MacKenzie, a boy whose explorer dad disappeared on an expedition to the Arctic tundra. Unable to make friends, adjust to his new Canadian home or get along with his stepfather, Sam finds solace in Kayla, a wild dog he hopes to enter in a dogsled race
Release Date: Wednesday, October 29 1997
27 years ago
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Portrait of Tod FennellTod Fennell
Tod Fennell was
13 in Kayla
as 'Sam Mackenzie'.
Thu, Oct 18 1984
Portrait of Henry CzernyHenry Czerny
Henry Czerny was
38 in Kayla
as 'Asa Robinson'.
Sun, Feb 08 1959
Portrait of Bronwen BoothBronwen Booth
Bronwen Booth was
33 in Kayla
as 'Althea Robinson'.
Fri, Feb 21 1964
Portrait of Meredith HendersonMeredith Henderson
Meredith Henderson was
13 in Kayla
as 'Jaynie Nightingale'.
Thu, Nov 24 1983


Portrait of Nicholas KendallNicholas Kendall
Nicholas Kendall was
>> in Kayla
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday