Poster of Skipping Rope

Skipping Rope

Plot: Chasing after siblings in the rhythm of skipping ropes brings both joy and bittersweet moments in the journey of growing up. XiaoJei is a copy cat, who yearns for the life her sister leads: a vibrant rope skipping team, trendy shoes, a close circle of friends, and the affectionate gaze of their parents
Release Date: Sunday, November 13 2022
2 years ago
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Portrait of Ting-Zhi ChenTing-Zhi ChenTing-Zhi Chen was >> in Skipping Rope as 'XioaJei'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of LI YULI YULI YU was >> in Skipping Rope as 'The eldest sister'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Meryl WuMeryl WuMeryl Wu was >> in Skipping Rope as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday