Poster of Faeryville


Plot: Set in an alternate universe, in a college called FAERYVILLE, a group of teenage misfits struggle to find themselves and make sense of their ‘purpose’. They decide that there is no reason in trying to fit-in, trying like ‘everybody’ to be ‘somebody’, choosing instead to mock the establishment, as pranksters – calling themselves The Nobodies
Release Date: Thursday, January 15 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Lyon SimLyon Sim
Lyon Sim was
>> in Faeryville
as 'Poe'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aaron Samuel YongAaron Samuel Yong
Aaron Samuel Yong was
>> in Faeryville
as 'Laer'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tanya GrahamTanya Graham
Tanya Graham was
>> in Faeryville
as 'Belle'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Tzang Merwyn TongTzang Merwyn Tong
Tzang Merwyn Tong was
35 in Faeryville
as 'Director'
Wed, Oct 31 1979
Portrait of DexterCJRDexterCJR
DexterCJR was
22 in Faeryville
as 'Boom Operator'
Thu, Jul 30 1992