Poster of Here Comes the Bear!

Here Comes the Bear!

Plot: The story follows our protagonist (with no name, played by Miklós Galla), who loses his season ticket on the bus. The quest for said item is filled with bizarre encounters with retarded cabbies, cannibalistic station guards, trigger happy busdrivers, kinky buses, a homicidal maniac running amok…
Release Date: Saturday, November 14 1992
32 years ago
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Portrait of Miklós GallaMiklós Galla
Miklós Galla was
33 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Radafuk Ernő'.
Mon, May 18 1959
Portrait of Róbert Dolák-SalyRóbert Dolák-Saly
Róbert Dolák-Saly was
37 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Fudaraku László / Ténykeli József / Tolmárcsik Béla / Zöldséges'.
Wed, Apr 20 1955
Portrait of Laár AndrásLaár András
Laár András was
37 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Siposnagy / Tompika / Gyerek a Talált Tárgyak Osztályán / Utcazenész / BKV-ellenőr'.
Tue, Aug 09 1955
Portrait of Natália NagyNatália Nagy
Natália Nagy was
21 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Narrátor / Idős feleség'.
Mon, Dec 07 1970
Portrait of Kicsiny GyőzőKicsiny Győző
Kicsiny Győző was
>> in Here Comes the Bear!
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Béla UngerBéla Unger
Béla Unger was
38 in Here Comes the Bear!
Sun, Aug 29 1954


Portrait of Miklós GallaMiklós Galla
Miklós Galla was
33 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Director, Writer'
Mon, May 18 1959
Portrait of Laár AndrásLaár András
Laár András was
37 in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Director, Writer'
Tue, Aug 09 1955
Portrait of Tamás TolmárTamás Tolmár
Tamás Tolmár was
>> in Here Comes the Bear!
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday