Poster of Um Oitenta e Seis Avos

Um Oitenta e Seis Avos

Plot: (Talita Feuser), suffocated in her monotonous routine - sleeps, wakes up, works and, sometimes, helps her mother Amelia (Debora Duarte), shaken by the recent death of her bitch, with daily chores. A strange diagnosis causes Women to confront their own passivity: their organs are disappearing
Release Date: Monday, July 1 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Ana Luiza LamogliaAna Luiza LamogliaAna Luiza Lamoglia was >> in Um Oitenta e Seis Avos
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Talita FauserTalita FauserTalita Fauser was >> in Um Oitenta e Seis Avos
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Felipe LeiboldFelipe LeiboldFelipe Leibold was >> in Um Oitenta e Seis Avos as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday