Poster of Koi


Plot: The story is set in the 70s where Ishihara plays Fumiko, an university student, who gets involved romantically with her assistant professor Katase Shintaro (Iura Arata) and his wife Hinako (Tanaka Rena). However, on 28 February 1972, the police finds Shintaro seriously injured and a young man working in a electronics store (Saito Takumi) dead in a bungalow at Karuizawawhile Fumiko and Hinako are also present at the scene
Release Date: Monday, December 16 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Satomi IshiharaSatomi Ishihara
Satomi Ishihara was
26 in Koi
as 'Fumiko Yano (1972)'.
Wed, Dec 24 1986
Portrait of Mieko HaradaMieko Harada
Mieko Harada was
54 in Koi
as 'Fumiko Yano (2013)'.
Fri, Dec 26 1958
Portrait of Arata IuraArata Iura
Arata Iura was
39 in Koi
as 'Shintaro Katase'.
Sun, Sep 15 1974
Portrait of Rena TanakaRena Tanaka
Rena Tanaka was
33 in Koi
as 'Hinako Katase'.
Thu, May 22 1980
Portrait of Takumi SaitohTakumi Saitoh
Takumi Saitoh was
32 in Koi
as 'Katsuya Okubo'.
Sat, Aug 22 1981
Portrait of Atsuro WatabeAtsuro Watabe
Atsuro Watabe was
45 in Koi
as 'Mitsuhiko Torikai'.
Sun, May 05 1968


Portrait of Takashi MinamotoTakashi Minamoto
Takashi Minamoto was
52 in Koi
as 'Director, Writer'
Mon, Jun 05 1961