Poster of One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting

One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting

Plot: 50 ½ minute 16 mm continuous film loop of artists Luchita Hurtado and Julie Mehretu in conversation. The idea for a film featuring Hurtado and Mehretu grew out of Dean’s incredible chance discovery, in 2019, that these two artists, both longtime friends of hers, shared the same birthday of November 28—and, moreover, that in 2020, Julie would be turning 50, and Luchita 100
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Luchita HurtadoLuchita HurtadoLuchita Hurtado may be >> in One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julie MehretuJulie MehretuJulie Mehretu may be >> in One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Tacita DeanTacita DeanTacita Dean may be 60+ in One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting as 'Editor, Director'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1965