Poster of Dream Machine: The Visual Computer

Dream Machine: The Visual Computer

Plot: Computer graphics, computer imaging, computer animation, digital image synthesis, digital scene simulation. These terms refer to one of the most profound developments in the history of human communication: the computer as a visual instrument that combines the objectivity of the photograph, the subjectivity of the painting and the gravity-free motion of hand-drawn animation
Release Date: Wednesday, January 1 1986
39 years ago
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Portrait of Geoffrey de ValoisGeoffrey de ValoisGeoffrey de Valois was >> in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Producer, Writer, Director, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve MichaelsonSteve MichaelsonSteve Michaelson was >> in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Director, Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Donna CohenDonna CohenDonna Cohen was >> in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Writer, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kitty ReaKitty ReaKitty Rea was >> in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John LewisJohn LewisJohn Lewis was 65 in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Music'
Birthday: Mon, May 03 1920 –
Thu, Mar 29 2001
Portrait of Doug McKechnieDoug McKechnieDoug McKechnie was 44 in Dream Machine: The Visual Computer as 'Music'
Birthday: Sat, Nov 01 1941