Poster of Cannot Exist

Cannot Exist

Plot: The hand-painting of this film is interrupted by, and interspersed with, a geometrically structured Mask of Death (one of those frightening human idea-shapes of dying) immediately caught-up in threads of streaming, polarized crystals of Light (elaborately step-printed, with simultaneous frame-to-frame dissolves and printer "pull-backs" creating an effect as if the room in which the film is being viewed was inhaling viscous strands of Life's chemical material). The blurred photo-image of a person appears briefly superimposed on these "streamings": then there is a short visual "exhale" of this "crystallized" light, as the screen appears to re-absorb its imagery and resolve itself into a pale violet scattering of dust, is it?
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 1993
31 years ago
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Portrait of Stan BrakhageStan BrakhageStan Brakhage was 60 in Cannot Exist as 'Director'
Birthday: Sat, Jan 14 1933 –
Sun, Mar 09 2003