Poster of Double Lunar Dogs

Double Lunar Dogs

Plot: Based on Robert Heinlein’s 1941 story “Universe,” Double Lunar Dogs presents a vision of post-apocalyptic survival aboard a “spacecraft,” travelling aimlessly through the universe, whose passengers have forgotten the purpose of their mission. As a metaphor for the nature and purpose of memory, the two main characters (portrayed by Jonas and Spalding Gray) play games with images of their past; but their efforts to restore their collective memories are futile, and they are reprimanded by the “Authority” for their attempts to recapture their past on a now-destroyed planet Earth
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 1983
41 years ago
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Portrait of Joan JonasJoan JonasJoan Jonas was 48 in Double Lunar Dogs
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1936
Portrait of Spalding GraySpalding GraySpalding Gray was 42 in Double Lunar Dogs
Birthday: Thu, Jun 05 1941 –
Sun, Jan 11 2004


Portrait of Joan JonasJoan JonasJoan Jonas was 48 in Double Lunar Dogs as 'Director'
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1936