Poster of Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club

Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club

Plot: "M-I-C-K-E-Y--M-O-U-S-E. " Before the theme song's memorable spelling became an audio icon, before the series even aired, the Mickey Mouse Club was the most anticipated children's programming ever
Release Date: Tuesday, December 7 2004
20 years ago
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Portrait of Annette FunicelloAnnette FunicelloAnnette Funicello was 62 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Thu, Oct 22 1942 –
Sun, Apr 07 2013
Portrait of Jimmie DoddJimmie DoddJimmie Dodd would have been no older than 54 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Mon, Mar 28 1910 –
Tue, Nov 10 1964
Portrait of Tommy ColeTommy ColeTommy Cole was 62 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Sat, Dec 20 1941
Portrait of Eileen DiamondEileen DiamondEileen Diamond was >> in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sharon BairdSharon BairdSharon Baird was 62 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Sun, Aug 16 1942
Portrait of Bobby BurgessBobby BurgessBobby Burgess was >> in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Darlene GillespieDarlene GillespieDarlene Gillespie was 63 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Self'.
Birthday: Tue, Apr 08 1941


Portrait of Sidney MillerSidney MillerSidney Miller would have been no older than 87 in Walt Disney Treasures | The Mickey Mouse Club as 'Director'
Birthday: Sun, Oct 22 1916 –
Sat, Jan 10 2004