Poster of Split


Plot: Hojo (played by Hakuryu), a strategist known as a cunning yakuza, serves as the assistant head of the Mikawa Group, an organization based in Kansai. The Mikawa Group is currently moving to invade the Kanto region with the backing of the Owada Group, which controls Yokohama
Release Date: Monday, November 25 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of HakuryuHakuryu
Hakuryu was
61 in Split
as 'Hojo'.
Fri, Oct 03 1952
Portrait of Yoshiyuki YamaguchiYoshiyuki Yamaguchi
Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi was
42 in Split
as 'Iwabuchi'.
Fri, Aug 06 1971


Portrait of Shūji KataokaShūji Kataoka
Shūji Kataoka was
63 in Split
as 'Director'
Thu, Nov 23 1950