Poster of The Worst Man in London

The Worst Man in London

Plot: In the Victorian era of the late 19th century, Charles Augustus Howell moves through London’s art circles as the assistant of famous art critic John Ruskin. His skill at rising through high society lands him a close friendship with painter and poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Release Date: Thursday, February 8 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Albano JerónimoAlbano Jerónimo
Albano Jerónimo was
44 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Charles Howell'.
Mon, Jul 30 1979
Portrait of Edward AshleyEdward Ashley
Edward Ashley was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Dante Rossetti'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Victoria GuerraVictoria Guerra
Victoria Guerra was
34 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lizzie Siddal'.
Sun, Apr 16 1989
Portrait of Scott CoffeyScott Coffey
Scott Coffey was
59 in The Worst Man in London
as 'John Ruskin'.
Fri, May 01 1964
Portrait of Christian VadimChristian Vadim
Christian Vadim was
60 in The Worst Man in London
as 'La Rothière'.
Tue, Jun 18 1963
Portrait of Carmen ChaplinCarmen Chaplin
Carmen Chaplin was
46 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lady Posselthwaite'.
Wed, Jul 27 1977
Portrait of Simon Paisley DaySimon Paisley Day
Simon Paisley Day was
56 in The Worst Man in London
as 'William Rossetti'.
Thu, Apr 13 1967
Portrait of Jean-François BalmerJean-François Balmer
Jean-François Balmer was
77 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Comte Henri de Pourtalès'.
Thu, Apr 18 1946
Portrait of Edgar MoraisEdgar Morais
Edgar Morais was
34 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Simeon Solomon'.
Sun, Jun 25 1989
Portrait of Lucas Elliot EberlLucas Elliot Eberl
Lucas Elliot Eberl was
37 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Algernon Charles Swinburne'.
Sat, Mar 29 1986
Portrait of Maya BoothMaya Booth
Maya Booth was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Georgiana Burne-Jones'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of João Pedro VazJoão Pedro Vaz
João Pedro Vaz was
49 in The Worst Man in London
as 'David'.
Thu, Aug 22 1974
Portrait of Vera MouraVera Moura
Vera Moura was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Rosa Corder'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ana Cristina OliveiraAna Cristina Oliveira
Ana Cristina Oliveira was
50 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Christina Rossetti'.
Tue, Jul 24 1973
Portrait of Søren HellerupSøren Hellerup
Søren Hellerup was
69 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lord Wendover'.
Wed, Apr 28 1954
Portrait of Inês Gomes da SilvaInês Gomes da Silva
Inês Gomes da Silva was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Jane Burden Morris'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pedro BernardinoPedro Bernardino
Pedro Bernardino was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Footman de Ruskin'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of José NobreJosé Nobre
José Nobre was
51 in The Worst Man in London
as 'The suitcase man'.
Tue, Dec 05 1972
Portrait of Keven SantosKeven Santos
Keven Santos was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Nobleman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Francisca NevesFrancisca Neves
Francisca Neves was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lady'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Inês FilipeInês Filipe
Inês Filipe was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Maria Zambaco'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ivo BastosIvo Bastos
Ivo Bastos was
46 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Llewellyn Williams'.
Tue, Dec 06 1977
Portrait of Laurence Alliston-GreinerLaurence Alliston-Greiner
Laurence Alliston-Greiner was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'James Whistler'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jorge PintoJorge Pinto
Jorge Pinto was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Constantinos Ionides'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alheli GuerreroAlheli Guerrero
Alheli Guerrero was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Medium'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mafalda BanquartMafalda Banquart
Mafalda Banquart was
31 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lucy Brown Rossetti'.
Wed, Apr 08 1992
Portrait of Rita LagartoRita Lagarto
Rita Lagarto was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Kitty Howell'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paulo CalatréPaulo Calatré
Paulo Calatré was
48 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Mister Riley'.
Tue, Jan 20 1976
Portrait of Marcello UrgegheMarcello Urgeghe
Marcello Urgeghe was
58 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Italian'.
Mon, Feb 07 1966


Portrait of Rodrigo AreiasRodrigo Areias
Rodrigo Areias was
46 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Director'
Sun, Jan 01 1978
Portrait of Jorge QuintelaJorge Quintela
Jorge Quintela was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eduardo BritoEduardo Brito
Eduardo Brito was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paulo BrancoPaulo Branco
Paulo Branco was
73 in The Worst Man in London
as 'Producer'
Sat, Jun 03 1950
Portrait of Ana Pinhão MouraAna Pinhão Moura
Ana Pinhão Moura was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tomás BaltazarTomás Baltazar
Tomás Baltazar was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Samuel Martins CoelhoSamuel Martins Coelho
Samuel Martins Coelho was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Susana AbreuSusana Abreu
Susana Abreu was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Costume Designer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ricardo PretoRicardo Preto
Ricardo Preto was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pedro TeixeiraPedro Teixeira
Pedro Teixeira was
>> in The Worst Man in London
as 'Lighting Technician'
Unknown Birthday