Poster of Loan Shark Yukari

Loan Shark Yukari

Plot: In the downtown area of Okinawa, Yukari (Saryu Usui), a woman who secretly lends money to women at night who can't borrow money from anywhere. Hunted for a crime she committed in Tokyo, she fled to the island of her lover Shun and demonstrated her courage and business acumen as the daughter of a techie, and became famous as a "woman of dark money" who lent money to women at night with mowgli, but it was a dangerous job to turn the local yakuza around
Release Date: Wednesday, December 12 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Saryu UsuiSaryu Usui
Saryu Usui was
32 in Loan Shark Yukari
as 'Yukari'.
Wed, Dec 25 1985
