Poster of La Cumbre

La Cumbre

Plot: A young policeman is assigned to non-operational tasks and forced to move to La Cumbre, where on his first night, he witnesses a crime. Now he needs to recover elements that could compromise him, so he gets involved in a search his new boss, Commissioner Fontana, is also part of
Release Date: Friday, April 19 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Santiago ZapataSantiago ZapataSantiago Zapata was >> in La Cumbre
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roger KozaRoger KozaRoger Koza was >> in La Cumbre
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rosario González LeánizRosario González LeánizRosario González Leániz was >> in La Cumbre
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Leandro NaranjoLeandro NaranjoLeandro Naranjo was >> in La Cumbre as 'Director, Writer, Editor, Producer, Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Santiago ZapataSantiago ZapataSantiago Zapata was >> in La Cumbre as 'Director, Producer, Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Santiago SgarlattaSantiago SgarlattaSantiago Sgarlatta was >> in La Cumbre as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday