Poster of The Emblem of Venezia

The Emblem of Venezia

Plot: Based on the novel The Murder of Saint Marco by Shiono Nanami, this is a romantic epic of love and ambition set in Italy in the first half of the 16th century, where a man born the illegitimate son of the former king risks his life in battle for the woman he loves.
Release Date: Friday, November 12 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Sakina AyakazeSakina AyakazeSakina Ayakaze was >> in The Emblem of Venezia as 'Alvise Gritti'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Asazuki KiwaAsazuki KiwaAsazuki Kiwa was >> in The Emblem of Venezia as 'Livia'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Sha TamaeSha TamaeSha Tamae was >> in The Emblem of Venezia as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday