Poster of Splintered


Plot: Sophie is a troubled young girl, haunted by the abuse she suffered as a child and harbouring a deep fascination with the unexplained. In the hope of satiating her obsession with the latter, she instigates a trip to the Welsh countryside with four friends, aimed at tracking down the legendary Beast of Bodmin
Release Date: Friday, September 3 2010
14 years ago
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Sacha DhawanSacha Dhawan
Sacha Dhawan was
26 in Splintered
as 'Sam'.
Tue, May 01 1984
Portrait of Sadie PickeringSadie Pickering
Sadie Pickering was
24 in Splintered
as 'Jane'.
Fri, Aug 29 1986
Portrait of Jonathan ReadwinJonathan Readwin
Jonathan Readwin was
>> in Splintered
as 'Dean'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephen WaltersStephen Walters
Stephen Walters was
35 in Splintered
as 'Gavin / Vincent'.
Thu, May 22 1975
Portrait of Sol HerasSol Heras
Sol Heras was
>> in Splintered
as 'John'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Colin TierneyColin Tierney
Colin Tierney was
>> in Splintered
as 'Father Thomas'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James RoachJames Roach
James Roach was
>> in Splintered
as 'The Creature'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benedict ReltonBenedict Relton
Benedict Relton was
>> in Splintered
as 'Sophie's Father'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Holly MessengerHolly Messenger
Holly Messenger was
>> in Splintered
as 'Young Sophie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aaron RossAaron Ross
Aaron Ross was
>> in Splintered
as 'Young Gavin'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dominic HolmesDominic Holmes
Dominic Holmes was
16 in Splintered
as 'Young Vincent'.
Wed, Sep 22 1993
Portrait of Chris JackChris Jack
Chris Jack was
>> in Splintered
as 'Police Officer'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nathan DoyleNathan Doyle
Nathan Doyle was
>> in Splintered
as 'Police Officer'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Holly WestonHolly Weston
Holly Weston was
>> in Splintered
as 'Sophie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David BowenDavid Bowen
David Bowen was
>> in Splintered
as 'Father Jacob'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Simeon HalliganSimeon Halligan
Simeon Halligan was
>> in Splintered
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mat ArcherMat Archer
Mat Archer was
>> in Splintered
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephen TriminghamStephen Trimingham
Stephen Trimingham was
>> in Splintered
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rachel Richardson-JonesRachel Richardson-Jones
Rachel Richardson-Jones was
>> in Splintered
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sarada McDermottSarada McDermott
Sarada McDermott was
>> in Splintered
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Clive ParsonsClive Parsons
Clive Parsons would have been no older than
>> in Splintered
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday –
Wed, Aug 12 2009
Portrait of Tom GrimshawTom Grimshaw
Tom Grimshaw was
>> in Splintered
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Celia HainingCelia Haining
Celia Haining was
>> in Splintered
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Richard BodgersRichard Bodgers
Richard Bodgers was
>> in Splintered
as 'Original Music Composer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael CostelloeMichael Costelloe
Michael Costelloe was
>> in Splintered
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday