Poster of Thrill Ride

Thrill Ride

Plot: The story of a group of people, including two young women, who are trapped upside down on a roller coaster taken over by a mysterious saboteur threatening to drop them all one-by-one to their deaths.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Ryûhei KitamuraRyûhei KitamuraRyûhei Kitamura may be 55+ in Thrill Ride as 'Director'
Birthday: Fri, May 30 1969
Portrait of Chad LawChad LawChad Law may be 46+ in Thrill Ride as 'Writer'
Birthday: Fri, Feb 23 1979
Portrait of Christopher JolleyChristopher JolleyChristopher Jolley may be >> in Thrill Ride as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday