Poster of Mary of Ill Fame

Mary of Ill Fame

Plot: A fictional story inspired by a newspaper clipping from the 1830s about a trans woman named Mary Jones who was arrested for stealing a man’s wallet. The film is set in Seneca Village, an autonomous settlement of free Blacks and Irish immigrants located on what is known today as Central Park where Jones, a gifted conjurer who can see visions of future events and alter reality with her well crafted spells, fends off the white city officials who want to take control of the land she and her community call home
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Rowin AmoneRowin AmoneRowin Amone may be >> in Mary of Ill Fame
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher MurrayChristopher MurrayChristopher Murray may be >> in Mary of Ill Fame
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eva ReignEva ReignEva Reign may be 28+ in Mary of Ill Fame
Birthday: Thu, Jun 20 1996


Portrait of TourmalineTourmalineTourmaline may be >> in Mary of Ill Fame as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday