Poster of The Rise, Fall, and Repose of Maria von Herzig

The Rise, Fall, and Repose of Maria von Herzig

Plot: Spanish actress María de Montenegro marries a Nazi officer, von Herzig, in Berlin during World War II, and years later is forced to return to Barcelona. There she hopes to find what could be her last chance to regain her lost success
Release Date: Wednesday, January 1 1986
39 years ago
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Portrait of Rosa MorataRosa MorataRosa Morata was >> in The Rise, Fall, and Repose of Maria von Herzig
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of María JosaMaría JosaMaría Josa was >> in The Rise, Fall, and Repose of Maria von Herzig
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Antoni PadrósAntoni PadrósAntoni Padrós was 49 in The Rise, Fall, and Repose of Maria von Herzig as 'Director'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1937