Poster of Cooking Up Raoul

Cooking Up Raoul

Plot: Mary Woronov, Robert Beltran, and Edie McClurg recall how Eating Raoul came to exist, their initial impressions of each other and director Paul Bartel's work during the shooting of the film, the unique themes in the film and its status as a classic.
Release Date: Tuesday, September 25 2012
12 years ago
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Portrait of Mary WoronovMary WoronovMary Woronov was 68 in Cooking Up Raoul as 'Self'.
Birthday: Wed, Dec 08 1943
Portrait of Robert BeltranRobert BeltranRobert Beltran was 58 in Cooking Up Raoul as 'Self'.
Birthday: Thu, Nov 19 1953
Portrait of Edie McClurgEdie McClurgEdie McClurg was 67 in Cooking Up Raoul as 'Self'.
Birthday: Mon, Jul 23 1945


Portrait of Issa ClubbIssa ClubbIssa Clubb was >> in Cooking Up Raoul as 'Director, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday