Poster of White and Lazy

White and Lazy

Plot: Set in 1991, White and Lazy follows Steve as he tries to collect the month's rent from his eccentric roommates. Prone to singing in front of the mirror, smoking grass, hunting down breakfast burritos, and ranting about Ronald Reagan, Steve is decidedly not up to the task
Release Date: Thursday, April 14 2016
8 years ago
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Portrait of James RundeJames Runde
James Runde was
>> in White and Lazy
as 'Steve'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Quinn ElseQuinn Else
Quinn Else was
>> in White and Lazy
as 'Preston'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of James RundeJames Runde
James Runde was
>> in White and Lazy
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Evan MillardEvan Millard
Evan Millard was
>> in White and Lazy
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Quinn ElseQuinn Else
Quinn Else was
>> in White and Lazy
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday