Minka KuustonenMinka Kuustonen was 31 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Kristiina 'Krisu' Nylén'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 24 1985
Eero MilonoffEero Milonoff was 37 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Head of the advertisement office'.
Birthday: Thu, May 01 1980
Mikko LeppilampiMikko Leppilampi was 38 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Bar fighter'.
Birthday: Fri, Sep 22 1978
Joonas KääriäinenJoonas Kääriäinen was 28 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Mike'.
Birthday: Sun, Jun 18 1989
Antti Tuomas HeikkinenAntti Tuomas Heikkinen was 31 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'T-P'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 04 1986
Juha PulliJuha Pulli was 37 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Sasu'.
Birthday: Sat, Dec 01 1979
Jonas SaariJonas Saari was 32 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Joope'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1985
Linda WiklundLinda Wiklund was 29 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Ilona'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1988
Joonas SnellmanJoonas Snellman was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Toni'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Joel MäkinenJoel Mäkinen was 30 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'First random guy'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1987
Iida-Maria HeinonenIida-Maria Heinonen was 30 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Kauppakeskuskuulutukset ja tuottajan assistentin ääni (ääni)'.
Birthday: Fri, May 29 1987
Jari VirmanJari Virman was 41 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Lohimies'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1976
Jemina SillanpääJemina Sillanpää was 35 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Lääkäri'.
Birthday: Thu, May 06 1982
Roope SalminenRoope Salminen was 27 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Krisun random-mies 3'.
Birthday: Mon, Dec 11 1989
Jon Jon GeitelJon Jon Geitel was 27 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Toimistomies'.
Birthday: Tue, Jan 16 1990
Olli Ilpo SalonenOlli Ilpo Salonen was 34 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Antti'.
Birthday: Thu, May 05 1983
Matti OnnismaaMatti Onnismaa was 57 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Kari Tillander'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 21 1959
Niina LahtinenNiina Lahtinen was 37 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Tosi-tv-tuottaja'.
Birthday: Fri, Nov 23 1979
Pirjo HeikkiläPirjo Heikkilä was 37 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Musiikkivideon ohjaaja'.
Birthday: Thu, Apr 03 1980
Niina KoponenNiina Koponen was 31 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Musiikkivideon maskeeraaja'.
Birthday: Tue, Oct 15 1985
Ville TiihonenVille Tiihonen was 43 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Studiomies'.
Birthday: Sat, Feb 23 1974
Olli Ilpo SalonenOlli Ilpo Salonen was 34 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Director, Foley Artist, Casting, Producer, Screenplay'
Birthday: Thu, May 05 1983
Hannu KäkiHannu Käki was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Director of Photography, Colorist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Minka KuustonenMinka Kuustonen was 31 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 24 1985
Juha PulliJuha Pulli was 37 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sat, Dec 01 1979
Joonas KääriäinenJoonas Kääriäinen was 28 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sun, Jun 18 1989
Suvi SoljaSuvi Solja was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Toivo KallioToivo Kallio was 33 in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Foley Artist, Foley Editor'
Birthday: Sun, Jun 17 1984
Tytti ArolaTytti Arola was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Emilia LindholmEmilia Lindholm was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sami SarhamaaSami Sarhamaa was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Sound Re-Recording Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Vesa NiinivirtaVesa Niinivirta was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Location Manager, Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lari RissanenLari Rissanen was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Boom Operator'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Tuomas VauhkonenTuomas Vauhkonen was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Elisa KoivuniemiElisa Koivuniemi was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Makeup Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Suvi MatinaroSuvi Matinaro was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Anniina SipolaAnniina Sipola was >> in Wendy and the Refugee Neverland as 'Production Assistant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday