Poster of Iggy the Eagle

Iggy the Eagle

Plot: Every night, a young eagle named Iggy dreams of flying alongside his imaginary brother, Felix. In reality, Iggy lives in a technically advanced society of birds so civilized, they all forgot how to fly
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Bartosz KędzierskiBartosz Kędzierski
Bartosz Kędzierski may be
48+ in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Director, Writer'
Wed, Aug 18 1976
Portrait of Duane MurrayDuane Murray
Duane Murray may be
>> in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Barbara PewnaBarbara Pewna
Barbara Pewna may be
>> in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bernard AbramczykBernard Abramczyk
Bernard Abramczyk may be
>> in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paweł PewnyPaweł Pewny
Paweł Pewny may be
>> in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zbigniew RaczynskiZbigniew Raczynski
Zbigniew Raczynski may be
>> in Iggy the Eagle
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday