Poster of Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape)

Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape)

Plot: First of three versions of Transformation by Holding Time, films with the duration of one film reel in which the screen is gradually filled with Polaroids, made in one shot from one angle, without editing. In this version, the film camera registers the filmmaker who is on a moor taking Polaroid pictures of the film camera
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 1976
49 years ago
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Portrait of Paul de NooijerPaul de NooijerPaul de Nooijer was >> in Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape) as 'Himself'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Paul de NooijerPaul de NooijerPaul de Nooijer was >> in Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape) as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jan de NooijerJan de NooijerJan de Nooijer was >> in Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape) as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday