Poster of South Africa Uncensored

South Africa Uncensored

Plot: In 1951, the Council on African Affairs produced a twenty-two minute agitprop documentary film about apartheid in South Africa, narrated by Paul Robeson and edited by Hortense Beveridge (also known as Tee Beveridge; her first complete film). South Africa Uncensored is a raw and gritty piece of black-and-white agitprop, full of firsthand testimonial footage of the appalling conditions endured by Black South Africans under apartheid
Release Date: Monday, January 1 1951
74 years ago
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Portrait of Paul RobesonPaul RobesonPaul Robeson was 52 in South Africa Uncensored as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 08 1898 –
Fri, Jan 23 1976


Portrait of Hortense BeveridgeHortense BeveridgeHortense Beveridge was >> in South Africa Uncensored as 'Editor, Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday